

Douglas Payne (and Shobha Cameron) Kissing the Joy as it Flies - Letters to the Beloved - 2022

Shobha Cameron

Je t'adore - sculpture by Ayad Alqaragholli 2017 - Cottesloe beach, Western Australia

You belong to the Stars 2022

Sannyasins celebrating at the ashram in Pune, India

Musicians at the ashram came from many countries

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (a.k.a. Osho onthelipsoftheinfinite.com (2021-2)

Darshan with Bhagwan - India

Darshan with Bhagwan - India

Darshan - India

Dancing in the early morning at the ocean in Australia

Kissing the Joy as it Flies - Letters to the Beloved 2022